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Ant and the grasshopper in India.

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  • Ant and the grasshopper in India.

    The ant and the grasshoper.


    The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
    The grasshopper thinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Come winter,
    the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold.


    The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
    The grasshopper thinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.
    Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed
    to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.NDTV, BBC, CNN show up to provide pictures of
    the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
    The World is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

    Arundhati Roy stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house.
    Medha Patkar goes on a fast along with other grasshoppers demanding that grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.
    Amnesty International and Koffi Annan criticize the Indian Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the grasshopper.
    The Internet is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the grasshopper
    (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance) .
    Opposition MP's stage a walkout.
    Left parties call for "Bharat Bandh" in West Bengal and
    Kerala demanding a Judicial Enquiry.
    CPM in Kerala immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty
    among ants and grasshoppers.

    Lalu Prasad allocates one free coach to Grasshoppers on all Indian Railway Trains, aptly named as the 'Grasshopper Rath'.

    Finally, the Judicial Committee drafts the Prevention of Terrorism Against Grasshoppers Act [POTAGA]",
    with effect from the beginning of the winter.

    Arjun Singh makes Special Reservation for Grass Hopper in educational Insititutions & in Govt Services.

    The ant is fined for failing to comply with POTAGA and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by
    the Government and handed over to the grasshopper in a ceremony covered by NDTV.

    Arundhati Roy calls it "a triumph of justice". Lalu calls it 'Socialistic Justice'.
    CPM calls it the 'revolutionary resurgence of the downtrodden' Koffi Annan invites the grasshopper to address the UN General Assembly.


    The ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi billion dollar company in silicon valley.
    100s of grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India...

  • #2
    Very creative and accurate portrayal. Sad too. Because the billion plus colony was primarily thriving because of the hard working and ingenious ants. Without enough of them there would be nothing.
    I 'll show u a new world!


    • #3
      Informative. Creative. Cynical. Amusing. Perplexing.


      • #4
        Thanks for the compliments agra. BUt i am sorry to say that u did not understand anything of what is said here.

        Unless u know about the social, political and economic scenario in India, as an outsider u will only understand a very small fraction of whats said here.

        Plus given u r prejudiced view of India u readily accept and appreciate anything that shows india in a shoddy light. It gives you a kind of high on how great China is.

        But this post is not meant to show how great China or the rest of the world is. Its purely the political situation in India.

        The other thread that "Are Indians racist" in which u are so agressively trying to proove us a racist society makes me think that i should add one more line to the story. Once Kofi Annan invites grasshopper to UN, some chinese cockroaches in the neighbourhood start jumping with joy that ant has lost its home. After all the ant was Indian.


        • #5
          Originally posted by rohit khaitan
          Thanks for the compliments agra. BUt i am sorry to say that u did not understand anything of what is said here.

          Unless u know about the social, political and economic scenario in India, as an outsider u will only understand a very small fraction of whats said here.

          Plus given u r prejudiced view of India u readily accept and appreciate anything that shows india in a shoddy light. It gives you a kind of high on how great China is.

          But this post is not meant to show how great China or the rest of the world is. Its purely the political situation in India.

          The other thread that "Are Indians racist" in which u are so agressively trying to proove us a racist society makes me think that i should add one more line to the story. Once Kofi Annan invites grasshopper to UN, some chinese cockroaches in the neighbourhood start jumping with joy that ant has lost its home. After all the ant was Indian.
          I meant to pull the legs of Indian friends when I twisted the logic about casteism and racial discrimination in India. But I know India is not a racist country, at least it is not the government policy which is responsible for social discrimination.

          I was just debating for the debate's sake.

          The ant-grasshopper story is very interesting. Why do you have to drag China into the picture?


          • #6
            Ok. peace.


            • #7
              Very informative and real picture of political scene in Indian democracy.
              Don’t worry, Be happy


              • #8
                Fantastic, appreciate the post rohit.


                • #9
                  THAT'S A HOOT

                  Tooooooooooooooooooooo Good !!!!!



                  • #10

                    Love to be merciful to others...even the Great I Am gives the snake a drink of water. For the Just have much whether the Just are a poor or rich.

                    without vision beings parrish and desperate is the heart above all matters

                    Last edited by exploration; 06-15-2007, 07:17 AM. Reason: edit----correct spelling in words

