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China a Western colony, first in HK, Macau, now in Taiwan

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  • China a Western colony, first in HK, Macau, now in Taiwan

    You have to pity China. It was under European colonialism till as late as just 10 years back. Britain took pity on China and handed back Hong Kong in 1997 and Portugal handed back Macau in 1999. Till then China couldn't do anything to get back these places from sad.

    Compare this India which drove out the first batch of Europeans from India, the British, in 1947, then kicked out Portugese from Goa by scaring them with the Indian Army and finally drove out the French from Puducherry (earlier Pondicherry) in 1962.

    Even till today China is under European origin colonialism through Taiwan which is a virtual US colony being under US military protection. China doesn't have the guts to take back Taiwan as it cowers from fear of the US.

    Thus one has to pity the poor and weak Chinese. They are the last nation on Earth which is still under Western colonialism.

  • #2
    There were only 2 cities in China under colonialism, Hongkong and Manchu.
    The west can't send troops in other Chinese cities. Compared to the famous British's slaves, we are nothing...Hoho
    Originally posted by observer
    You have to pity China. It was under European colonialism till as late as just 10 years back. Britain took pity on China and handed back Hong Kong in 1997 and Portugal handed back Macau in 1999. Till then China couldn't do anything to get back these places from sad.

    Compare this India which drove out the first batch of Europeans from India, the British, in 1947, then kicked out Portugese from Goa by scaring them with the Indian Army and finally drove out the French from Puducherry (earlier Pondicherry) in 1962.

    Even till today China is under European origin colonialism through Taiwan which is a virtual US colony being under US military protection. China doesn't have the guts to take back Taiwan as it cowers from fear of the US.

    Thus one has to pity the poor and weak Chinese. They are the last nation on Earth which is still under Western colonialism.


    • #3
      We may have been slaves to the British for two hundred years, but we kicked them out and now we are a free country and control our destiny. That is why there is no foreign person running Indian industry. In contrast, China has 500,000 foreign managers running the country's companies (mostly in Shanghai). The rest of the Chinese work for these foreign managers like slaves for little or no pay. We may have once been slaves to colonists, but you continue to be slaves. That is why India will win in the end and China will lose.


      • #4
        Scared? You must be kidding me. A bunch of moronic fascists screaming like a bunch of monkeys is supposed to scare who? It's very funny to see Chinese monkeys sreaming in unison. You people can do great tricks to make us laugh. Maybe we should send all the monkeys in India to live happily with their monkey Chinese brethren. Read some history. India was the centre of world industry before the British came. India controlled 30 percent of the world economy.

        India has opened it's doors to foreign corporations, but everyone comes to India and hires India to manage their business or takes India's great brainpower to work abroad. There are no foreign managers in India even though India is home to numerous multinational corporations like Nokia, Eriksson, Suzuki, IBM, Accenture, Intel, . . . the list goes on and on. All these companies come and hire Indians to run businesses. In contrast, China has to import 500,000 managers becasue the Chinese are too dumb to run companies. I bet some of those foreigners are Indian managers too. The Chinese government is really smart. Let foreigners come in and work slave Chinese labor to death while enjoying cheap Chinese imports and record profits for foreign companies. Keep it up dumb China.


        • #5
          Well, I suppose it's easy to use statistics against India as they come from a country that is free enough and smart enough to make them. Everyone knows that China's statistics agencies are puppet government run bureaucracies whose numbers cannot be trusted. And we all know how China restricts access to rural areas of poverty and urban areas of plight. Why? What is your government soooo afraid of? That people will realize that the so called Chinese dream is nowhere near as great as the government likes to make everyone believe it is. That's why they make up a lot of these statistics so people like you can go around and brag while the rest of your people are slaving away making cheap condoms and toilets for rich Westerners on little or no pay.

          Also, according to the Goldman Sachs report India's growth is only going to accelerate and result in much less poverty over the coming decades (see India's Rising Growth Potential, availabe at

          Also, India's population is going to grow and surpass China's in the next decade. India will grow rich before it grows old like all other economic giants rose before it. China, on the other hand, because of it's cruel and vicious one child policy that forces parents to kill their babies or face the vengence of the Chinese governemnt will result in China getting old before it gets rich (see Race to the Top of World - India Vs. China, available at How will China deal with such an ageing population when it's still trying to develop?

          Let's not forget this race has only begun. China is already claiming victory and we still haven't finished the first lap. Remember at the turn of the last century everyone was saying how amazing Stalin's Soviet Union was because it got things done so efficiently because it had a Communist government or how Hitler managed to force through changes quickly because he had a fascist government. Who won that race? Oh yeah, the country of mixed bred, bastardized Europeans (Hitler's words) known as America that was always criticized for it's slow democracy and lack of cohesiveness. Sound familiar?


          • #6
            Ah, thank you for showing where most of your intellignece lies. And judging from this article, there's not much space for it - I particularly like the part about how the article goes on to give instructions for measuring a penis, and also counsels that men should not worry if their penises are small, but should find appropriate lovemaking methods so that their size does not affect their sex lives.

            That's why Chinese women prefer even old, impotent, White men like your most famous star Zhang Ziyi while Indian women, like Aiswariya Rai (the most beautiful woman in the world according to the Miss World competition and Julia Roberts), prefer Indian men.

            Last edited by Nikster; 02-11-2007, 02:31 AM.


            • #7
              The point is China was a British slave till 1997, a Portugese slave till 1999 and an American slave till today whereas India removed ALL foreign presence from its soil 50-60 years ago! . HK and Taiwan under slavery developed greatly over China in the many decades and now China itself is copying the slave cities in its development. Not to mention China is a Russian and German slave in copying their Communism and wearing Western clothes like the Chinese tinpot dictator Mao wore Western caps. Complete Western slaves = Chinese.
              Last edited by observer; 02-11-2007, 01:50 AM.

