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Chinese posters most likely psychological and info warfare operatives

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  • Chinese posters most likely psychological and info warfare operatives

    Chinese posters on this forum by their consistent posts in the same style and with the same kinds of topics over many months appear to be information and psychological warfare operatives of the Chinese government. Thus it is in the interest of non-Chinese government operatives to be careful about them and generally try to isolate or ignore them.

  • #2
    haha, I do hope China government pays me some money for my posts here.


    • #3
      We all know now. It's plain obvious to any idiot seeing your posts that most of you are Chink spies. Now every second chink is a spy, that's what you all are, government slaves, no surprises. And since last year or so you guys have started playing dirty tricks on the internet too.

      Moderators ought to really ban these unruly Chinese posters. They are going berserk here because of poor moderation. We shouldn't let sneaky Chinese government agents and their idiotic Chinese teenager followers to keep on being rude indefinitely.


      • #4
        Originally posted by datang
        What's most stupid you are is the truth that...China has a population of internet users over hundred of millions, which is many times as large as yours...
        So you find a lot of Chinese here...but I can tell you, there is very very few Chinese caring about your country

        Yet another eg. of quantity without quality. You quality of posts here show how intelligent ur. If u have guts i challenge u to start any topic on a thread. A topic of ur choice and debate with me. And stick to the topic without diverting the issue. But u r a tin pot to stick to a topic. Thats why u say everything that comes to ur stupid mind in every thread with scant regard to the rules of the forum.

        You have spoiled all the threads here. And all u thread stinks of hatred. Do u guys have too feeble a mind to discuss anything logically??

        If have guts start a thread and show how intelligent u r.

        And if u really dont care for my country why r u posting here?? You care man. And by repeatedly advt the achievements of your country here u try to give a boost to ur fully bloated ego.


        • #5
          Haha yeah. If a person has achieved something and is proud of it then he need not advertise it. The way these Chinese are advertising like crazy on this forum seems to indicate that they are insecure and seek approval from Indians about their achievements.

          But I am very sure most of these posters are sitting in some Chinese commie office and they have their duty as going to various forums and posting data, news reports and rude comments as a part of some psyops strategy. Stinking tricksters. They ought to be dumped in another category if the moderators are not willing to ban them titled "Chinese posts". The posts here are totally irrelevant to "Indian Politics".
          Last edited by observer; 02-06-2007, 04:09 PM.

