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Tribute Mahatma Gandhi

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  • Tribute Mahatma Gandhi

    Jan 30 – Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated

    On January 30, In 1948, Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu extremist.
    Mahatma Gandhi, the heroic figure that produced a symphony of human hearts, was able to produce this symphony to achieve his goal of peace through peaceful means. Karamchand Gandhi initiated the practice of nonviolent protests to achieve political and social changes. He led protests across India for the removal of poverty, to free women, for unity among different religions and ethnic groups and to end untouchability, caste discrimination, for the economic self-sufficiency of the nation and above all for the freedom of India from the British rulers. He never wavered in his conviction in nonviolence

    This is the time to recognize the sources that advocate nonviolence, study and analyze their ways to apply in the global village of today to achieve the peace that is the palpitation of the meaningful prosperity and happiness.

  • #2
    Indeed Mahatma Gandhi reiterated well the ancient Indian philosophy of non-violence. It is a much better way for the world to things.


    • #3
      Originally posted by observer
      Indeed Mahatma Gandhi reiterated well the ancient Indian philosophy of non-violence. It is a much better way for the world to things.
      non-violence? why you indian burn widows on the funeral of her husband?


      • #4
        Now burnining of widows along with their husbands is prohibited in India. Along time ago it was so. But now a times India is developing, so no such old sprituals are followed.


        • #5
          Originally posted by snower
          non-violence? why you indian burn widows on the funeral of her husband?

          The thread is on mahatma gandhi and non violence. If u want to discuss about sati system in india, start a separate thread. Learn to respect the rules of the forum.


          • #6
            In short as per my understanding Sati system was borne out of the onus of family honour being put on the shoulders of the wife in the family. Thus if her husband died, rather than let another man touch the wife, she was urged to die too. This can be construed to be giving less respect to the woman according to modern ideas and it was also mental torture when the relatives and neighbours would nag the wife to die because her husband had died.

            This wasn't a very nice aspect of the Indian society which was since been thus banned. Still it's true that classical Indian society has the principle of non-violence as one of its main philosophies.


            • #7
              Originally posted by observer
              In short as per my understanding Sati system was borne out of the onus of family honour being put on the shoulders of the wife in the family. Thus if her husband died, rather than let another man touch the wife, she was urged to die too. This can be construed to be giving less respect to the woman according to modern ideas and it was also mental torture when the relatives and neighbours would nag the wife to die because her husband had died.

              This wasn't a very nice aspect of the Indian society which was since been thus banned. Still it's true that classical Indian society has the principle of non-violence as one of its main philosophies.
              don't cheat yourself.

              indian apply non-violence only to stronger opponent, for example, when struggle with british, indian use non-violence, hehe...

              if what indian faced is a weaker people, indian behave totally differently, burning the widows is only one of many savage habits of indian scienty. e.g. how did you treat dalit?


              • #8
                Originally posted by snower
                don't cheat yourself.

                indian apply non-violence only to stronger opponent, for example, when struggle with british, indian use non-violence, hehe...

                if what indian faced is a weaker people, indian behave totally differently, burning the widows is only one of many savage habits of indian scienty. e.g. how did you treat dalit?
                no society can be as barbarian as that where the parents kill their unborn kid because its a girl. china has a growing problem. in 15 years there will be 30 million more chinese men than women. the reason?
                chinese parents kill their unborn kid if its a girl. may be thats how u were born snower god knows how many kids ur mother killed before u were born. thats probably why u are retarded...hahaha..

                I 'll show u a new world!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by snower
                  don't cheat yourself.

                  indian apply non-violence only to stronger opponent, for example, when struggle with british, indian use non-violence, hehe...

                  if what indian faced is a weaker people, indian behave totally differently,
                  Your logic is again very screwed up. i will show u how.

                  We captured all the territories of ur dearest freind pakistan in 1975 and returned their territories. That was a act of non violence. so your first claim that we r selective with non violence is baseless. We can screw up a country like bangladesh any day. But inspite of all their infiltrations we tolerate them just to keep peace. (Now of course u will say that its our weakness and not non violence. You will safely forget ur previous claim. you know why?? because ur logic is based on bias and not facts)

                  And with british non violence was a tougher option because their were just a few lac british in india before 1947 as against millions of the natives. So violence was a much easier and softer option.

                  And to correct you non violence takes much more courage and patience then violence does. To act non violenty your actions have to be driven by logic and not by a sudden rush of testesterone. I understand ur hatred for non violence because may be that reminds you of dalai lama and tibet.

                  And i believe u will call the islamic terrorists killing innocent people for no reason very brave because they are violent. So does violence mean bravery?? If u invade ur neighbours and kill people their is it called bravery? Do u reward a thug in china who attacks his neighbourhood with balzing guns and loots the inhabitants??

                  Of course u dont. I guess that will show u how wierd ur logic is. And u r the only person i have met so far who calls non violence an act of cowardice.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by snower
                    don't cheat yourself.
                    burning the widows is only one of many savage habits of indian scienty. e.g. how did you treat dalit?

                    Sati system propagated in india during the attacks by mughlas because the people then preferred their wives to die then to be captured by the barbarian mughals. The savage practise lasted for some time after that. And post independence its illegal and unthinkable in india. I am sure u know that but i am still quoting it to shed some light on the dark corners of ur head.

                    Dalits in modern india have more previledges then people falling in general category have. They have reservations in parlaiment, educational institutes, govt offices and almost everywhere. I am sure u know this as well. But still quoting it for u.

                    Now lets discuss the classic superstitions in china.

                    As its chinese new year soon. lets start with that.

                    On the stroke of midnight every door and window of the house must be kept open to let the old year go away. As if, if u dont open ur windows and doors the time will stop.

                    People eat a chicken with its head and feet intact on new year because it symbolises prosperity.(head and feet of a chicken is prosperity. ha ha...)

                    Another Chinese superstition is that the entire house should be cleaned before New Year's Day. On New Year's Eve, all brooms, brushes, dusters, dust pans and other cleaning equipment are put away. Sweeping or dusting should not be done on New Year's Day for fear that good fortune will be swept away, which if you think about it does make some sense. After New Year's Day, the floors may be swept. Beginning at the door, the dust and rubbish are swept to the middle of the parlor, then placed in the corners and not taken or thrown out until the fifth day. At no time should the rubbish in the corners be trampled upon. In sweeping, there is a superstition that if you sweep the dirt out over the threshold, you will sweep one of the family members away. Also, to sweep the dust and dirt out of your house by the front entrance is to sweep away the good fortune of the family; it must always be swept inwards and then carried out, then no harm will follow. All dirt and rubbish must be taken out the back door. (sweeping u r house is a rocket science for u i

                    If you cry on New Year's Day, you will cry all through the year. Therefore, children are tolerated and are not spanked, even if they spank their parents.

                    The Almanac would tell you that if the day is a good day or bad day to have a funeral, sweep the graves of ancestors, worship the dead or move an ancestor's grave; start construction, move into a new house, visit friends or even travel north; get a haircut or cultivate plants and so on. The fact: if you follow ALL the "traditions", you will get nowhere!

                    When having a baby
                    *If you're pregnant, use of glue will cause a difficult birth. As if the glue will stick the baby in the mothers womb. Ha ha funny

                    If you strike an animal during pregnancy, the newborn child will look like that animal and behave like one. (hey snower did u r mom strike a monkey?)

                    A baby with more than one hair crown will be mischievous and disobedient. (Snower did u have more then one crown??)

                    Never marry someone who is older or younger by 3 or 6 years.
                    (check out how old ur g.f is before u get married to her. you can marry her if shes 7 years older to u but not if shes 6 years older.. ha ha.. very funny)

                    The number of steps in a staircase should be even-numbered. (if it reaches the next floor on a odd no. rebuild it. ha ha)

                    Don't build your house facing the north. Evil spirit comes from the north. (I g uess ur right here. China is to the north of India. ha ha)

                    *Mirrors must be hidden; a person who sees the reflection of the coffin will have a death in his/her family.

                    This is just a few of them.

                    Well my point in discussing all this is that both indian and chinese civilizations are thousands of years old. We all had superstitions and stupid customs in the past which are non existent any more. So dont talk crap here.

                    And lastly a request snower stick to the topic.

