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Exit polls: Economy was top issue for Michigan voters

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  • Exit polls: Economy was top issue for Michigan voters

    (CNN) -- The economy was foremost on voters' minds Tuesday as they cast their ballots in the primaries in Michigan -- a state with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.

    More than half of Republican voters ranked the economy as the most important issue, exit polls showed.

    About 41 percent of those for whom it was the top concern cast their ballots for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, compared with 29 percent for Arizona Sen. John McCain.

    Michigan's economy is powered by the automotive industry, which has been struggling.

    During the campaign, Romney said he believed he could bring back lost jobs and pledged that in the first 100 days of his presidency, he would convene a summit to rebuild the Big Three automakers.

    McCain, on the other hand, said many of the auto industry jobs were gone forever and vowed to focus instead on retraining for jobs of the future.

    Romney's was the much more "activist, 'I get Michigan' " message, said CNN's John King...Read...