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Mumbai Molestation: My view

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  • Mumbai Molestation: My view

    What surprises me is the heights of publicity this incident has achieved. Obviously, the newly wed NRI couple was no ordinary couple. Why else would Mumbai police take so much trouble pursuading Hilton Patel to file a police complaint, and why else would media give the incident such an impressive publicity ? Almost every newspaper has the story on the front page for the past two days.

    There are hundreds of women becoming victims of shamless acts like molestation everyday and it's the same police and media who wouldn't find it worth looking at. And when it happened to a wealthy NRI family, the story gathered national attention as though it was the only worst thing that was heard of. Anyway, who am I blaming ? I should confess we, the people, are equally responsible for such hypes as we know we wouldn't care much if the woman molested was a labourer, or a school teacher or any other commoner.

  • #2
    "How can we say , this is not big issue but it’s also can be happen for any one (Lady) at office market or public area like hotels shopping mole everywhere so news papers and media is going to highlight is issue".Is a woman not safe anywhere?


    • #3
      Didn't quite understand you, Jennifer. You seem to be quoting what I have NOT said. I did not say this was not a big issue and you seem to have misunderstood my whole point.


      • #4
        Hi Sir I can understand what you want to say , but I just want to say that if any incident happened in city-state and village any where and highlight by media and news paper we haven’t right to say anything it only a way to Conway message to every one be alert and be careful I am not going to point out your views even I am also agree with your point of view because it’s can happen anybody (Woman) not only high society people !

