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India second most optimistic in Asia about 2008: Survey

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  • India second most optimistic in Asia about 2008: Survey

    New Delhi (PTI): India has emerged as the second most optimistic nation in Asia in a survey conducted by a global market research agency, although nearly two-thirds of those polled believe that joblessness will rise in 2008.

    The survey by TNS and Gallup International covered 50,000 people across 54 countries during October and December last year. As much as 51 per cent of the 1,065 Indians polled were hopeful about the year ahead, making the country the seventh most optimistic nation in the world.

    The Asia Pacific region is more upbeat than most and is home to nearly half of the worlds top ten most optimistic countries when it comes to outlook for 2008.

    Hong Kong, where 71 per cent of the people were optimistic, topped the list. Other countries in the top ten include Kosovo, Colombia, New Zealand, Venezuela, Australia and Sweden, according to the survey...Read...