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islam - a threat???

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  • islam - a threat???

    what do u think of islam's growing population? is it good? do u think the people are ignorant of what the world really wants and how many of u think that islam is blind and useless in the coming world? or is islam the basic root that guides one in the life? give ur views.
    Last edited by animefan; 03-12-2007, 07:40 AM.

  • #2
    Islam is not bad its good you can say its basic root that guides one in the life. But Few things has to be taken into consideration that .... it should not be rigid ..... As per the media and other sources I came to know ..brian wash of many Young Muslim is done so that they can sacrifice their life for religion which is totally worng.... Religion is with region... After we die their is no importance of religion... No need to die in name of religion... No need to teach any one any religion.... those who wants to know about any religion they should do Research on religion with their own... they should try to find why such rules are been made....

    Best Religion is one... which have provision in it for ambentment of their rules as per current situation and time.

    Other than Islam many religion are there by which human being can live and follow a systematic way of life.... It depends on individual what they like & how they live...

    Once people comes to know about 2-3 religion, they get perfect idea about religion ... Just reading any one religion and not comparing it with other and considering that religion which they read is suprem is very unfair....

    When some one wants to know about any religion, they have to read it without any preassumption about it... like it is wrong or bad etc.\

    Islam is not bad.... but I can't say about person who teach Islam...

    I was teacher ... I was teaching my views to student...but good student comes up with different idea... I can see things in my way and other human can see that thing in different way....
    "Situation have way of changing Don’t expect help. Help yourself. The day you help yourself, it’s your First step to success."

    Fight on my dear self, fight on. Life is a struggle, do not shirk struggle Enjoy the sweetness of life but do not stop struggle, Fight on my dear self Do not entertain fear for fear is death. The world will frighten you but fight on, dear self fight on.............


    • #3
      thanks for ur point of view. i often heard malicious talk on islam and its teachings. i just wanted to confirm whether they were worth giving an ear or not. i suppose there are a lot of people who are taken into what the bad stuff are said about islam aren't they?


      • #4
        There are some texts in every faith which is malicious or something like that, be it Islam, Hinduism, christianity or some other faiths. Perhaps the quantum differs.

        But to glorify these texts at the cost of human beings is not the right thing. You can not justify the caste system (hinduism), taking woman's wisdom as half of that of man (Islam), and many other such things.

        But reforms should be made in every sphere of the life, not only religion, but also in the social sector. Although both are attached to each other.
        Don’t worry, Be happy


        • #5
          oye shut up yaar. when are you guys gonna stop this bullshit. are you guys kids.

          just shut the fuck and pray to god 24/7. go go. don't do anything . just stop this stupid discussions. do something useful.

