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Good Bye 2005 & Hello 2006

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  • Good Bye 2005 & Hello 2006

    "An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves"

    The New Year is near so its time to say Good bye 2005 and Hello 2006.How was the Year 2005 for you all? I hope it went good with friends and family.Now when we are going to see off 2005 welcome 2006 you all should make some resolutions for the year waiting to come.Some of you might have made some resolutions right! if not then go ahead.
    The year 2005 was good for some and not good enough for some.There were a lot of happenings in the year 2005.We can't say that it was a peaceful year because of the voilence,fear,davestation caused by the terrorists.They bombed Delhi and attacked temples;even a single place is not spared by the millitants,now they are aiming on temples,gurudwaras this is so inhuman.
    In politics also it was not that good as many politicians were caught for taking bribe for asking questions in the parliament.What will the public do if the savers of the country will be corrupted.Well! its time to take resolution by the politicians to serve the country with honesty and to take such steps that our country should progress socially,economically and in every field.
    Well! its the time to celebrate the birthday of 2006 so cheer up! and make such resolution that is not only good for you but also good for everyone around you.

    Megrisoft team member
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  • #2
    “People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas”

    How you all are going the celebrate the New Year?
    Megrisoft team member
    Article Directory
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    Link Building India


    • #3
      New Year Resolutions

      So People did you made resolutions in the New Year?
      Are U Keeping it up or U have forgetten your resolutions just on the first day that is on Jan 1 2006
      Megrisoft team member
      Article Directory
      SEO India
      Link Building India

