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The hardest thing to do is say goodbye

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  • The hardest thing to do is say goodbye

    The hardest thing to do is say goodbye
    To those you love and who love you in return
    Here I have to say goodbye
    My smile fades and my tears burn

    To my girls,
    You’ve shown me a true friendship
    You’ve shown me how to have fun my own way
    You’ve allowed me to be myself
    You’ve taught me to not worry what others say

    I’ll never forget those nights we stayed up late
    Taking pictures, laughing, talking, and crying
    Always focus on the good things in life
    Never give up, always keep trying

    To my parents,
    I know there have been times I was a brat
    I might have seemed ungrateful here and there
    But I’ll never forget the help and support you’ve given me
    Your undying love, showing me you care

    Mom, I’ll never forget our shopping trips
    Or those girl weekends we went on
    Daddy I’ll never forget our movie nights
    Or watching you dance silly to old songs

    To my brothers,
    You two have had an influence on me
    Your strength in life and willing to succeed
    Your determination and patience
    Has always had an affect on me

    I love you two with all my heart
    I’ve had the privilege to call you my friends
    I’m always here with you
    I promise that presence will never end

    To my sister,
    I can’t believe I have to say goodbye
    Without even being able to give you a hug
    But you’ve taught me to never lose my faith
    And hold on when push comes to shove

    You’ve shown me a sistership I’ve always wanted
    That bond will never ever die
    I promise to never forget you
    As long as you don’t forget about I

    To everyone else who might have known me
    I’m sure I had love for all of you as well
    Always remember to love yourself and your neighbors
    And think twice before you yell

    Keep God first in all you do everyone
    And I promise you will go far
    I’m just a smile away if you want to think about me
    I’ll be that Sun looking down, and your bright shining star

    CCP challenge to write a poem to your loved ones as if you were to die tomorrow
    Priyanka Chopra Rocks 4ever!!!!

  • #2
    Dear friend

    Sweet little memories which you have put in a jar of jaggery that is covered with a lid of love and devotion
    you are sure to get a appreciation

    I liked your words..............

