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  • Hello

    Hello and salutations, I am Darkseid. I am working in many independence programs across the world in favor a better organized environment that can better group the tribes of humanity into a single body. Unlike the "single world advocators" I prefer to establish a worldy government that will favor the highest majority of people on this planet if not absolutely everyone on this planet. And unlike seperatists, I don't favor the idea of establishing more divisions and seperatism between people. I believe a balance between the two is eccential in creating the perfect utopia. Needless to say, I hope I am welcomed here.

  • #2
    Hello Darkseid, and welcome.

    From your post, I get the impression that you are out to 'fix' the world. Good luck, but do consider this: there have been many great, "enlightened" people in the world's history, but just look at the condition the world is in today. Also, what feels "right" to you may not feel right to another person (who may also be trying to fix the world, in their own way.)

    Sorry if I come across as rude to question your good intentions. I'm just trying to help.


