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Four guys joke..

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  • Four guys joke..

    There once were four guys.
    One guy was brought up in a hospital and all he knew how to say was "I did it! I did it!"

    Then there was a guy who was brought up in a restaurant and all he knew how to say was "forks and knives!"

    Then there was a guy brought up in a candy shop and all he knew how to say was "goodie goodie gum drops!"

    Then the fourth guy was brought up in a glade plug in store and all he knew how to say was "plug it in! plug it in!"

    One day they all met in a park and there was this dead guy on a bench.

    A cop walks up and says who did this and the first guy said "I did it! I did it!"

    And the cop says how did you do this and the second guy said "forks and knives!"

    The cop says what do you have to say for your selves and the third guy says "goodie goodie gum drops!"

    Then the cop says you are all going in the electric chair any last words and the fourth guy says "plug it in! plug it in!"

    - Chahat
    Last edited by Parveen Komal; 01-20-2015, 10:40 AM.