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Is god a man or a woman?

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  • Is god a man or a woman?

    A little kid asks his father, "daddy, is god a man or a woman?"

    "Both son. God is both."

    After a while the kid comes again and asks, "daddy, is god black or white?"

    "Both son, both."

    The child returns a few minutes later and says, "daddy, is michael jackson god?"

    - Chahat

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  • #2
    he he he he ... god please save kid from michael jackson... he he
    "Situation have way of changing Don’t expect help. Help yourself. The day you help yourself, it’s your First step to success."

    Fight on my dear self, fight on. Life is a struggle, do not shirk struggle Enjoy the sweetness of life but do not stop struggle, Fight on my dear self Do not entertain fear for fear is death. The world will frighten you but fight on, dear self fight on.............

