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Technology Talk


A place for Indian technology community to talk about mobile, gaming, Internet, computer, digital media and all kind of technology.

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Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Hardware and Software
Join the discussion about all the latest in computer hardware and software including laptops, notebooks and microsoft , linux, apple and mac and technical-related issues
Topics: 277 Posts: 910
277 910
Mobile, Gaming and Electronics
Discuss all about mobile, PC games, electronic games, video gaming etc
Topics: 336 Posts: 980
336 980
Internet Forum
Discuss and have internet talk with all topics and matters related with internet and its usuage.A wide topic related forum for vast discussions and view exchange.
Topics: 459 Posts: 1,158
459 1,158
SEO (46/173)
Social Media (42/149)
India Outsourcing Board
Discussion board for all matters related with Outsourcing to India ,India Offshore Outsourcing.Forums for matters related with outsourcing of SEO,web designing services to India.
Topics: 57 Posts: 225
57 225
Diwakar SIngh