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Significance of practical service to Lord in Human form

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  • Significance of practical service to Lord in Human form

    Significance of practical service to Lord in Human form

    When you divert the service or practical devotion from the world (family and society), which consists of the live human beings to God, the God must also be in live human form so that the service like feeding is diverted practically from one side to the other side. If your world contains only the photos or statues of your forefathers, who are not alive today, then you can divert your service of cleaning the statues of your forefathers to the statues of God. The diversion of service should be in the same phase i.e., either all in alive human forms or all in forms of statues. There cannot be diversion of practical devotion from one phase to the other phase.

    Suppose you have offered ten kg of food to a statue of God and offered half kg of food to your son, you cannot say that you have twenty times more devotion on God than your son. Here, the comparison is not in one phase. If God comes in human form, will you offer half kg of food to Him daily as you are offering the same to your son? Therefore, the proof of diversion or transformation can be in a single-phase system only. Hanuman left His alive mother and worshipped alive Rama. He did not leave His alive mother to worship a statue in the temple or to meditate upon the formless God in a forest or to serve Himself feeling that He is God. Gopikas left the bonds with all alive forms (parents, in-laws, husbands, children etc.) only to worship a specific alive form, who was Krishna in their time and one should note that Krishna was not having any relationship with them.

    At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

    Anil Antony

    | Shri Datta Swami | Universal Spirituality for World Peace | There is only one universe and one God, its Creator.

    Universal Spirituality for World Peace