The Working Women's Forum (WWF) is a women's organisation in southern India. It was founded in 1978 by Jaya Arunachalam in Madras (Chennai). The WWF aims to empower poor women in southern India by providing microcredit, a trade union, health care and training. It works with the poor women working in the informal sector, such as street vendors, silkworm growers and silk weavers, handicraft producers, washerwomen and fisherwomen
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Working Women's Forum
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The Working Women's Forum (WWF) is a women's organisation in southern India. It was founded in 1978 by Jaya Arunachalam in Madras (Chennai). The WWF aims to empower poor women in southern India by providing microcredit, a trade union, health care and training. It works with the poor women working in the informal sector, such as street vendors, silkworm growers and silk weavers, handicraft producers, washerwomen and fisherwomen.
7,00,000 plus women have been brought together through WWF through the issue of credit and other services were also added such as that of child care, family planning, and education.
One of the main reasons for women to join the WWF is to receive access to credit, since the amount of credit they receive is higher than that of informal lending, along with a reasonable interest rate.
There are two organisations closely related to the WWF:Last edited by Gurneet Saini; 07-30-2022, 07:00 PM.
Objectives of WWF- Economic Empowerment: Providing access to credit through microfinancing and cooperative models to promote self-reliance and entrepreneurship.
- Social Empowerment: Advocating for gender equality and helping women overcome discrimination in workplaces and communities.
- Skill Development: Organizing training programs to enhance technical and business skills, enabling women to improve their livelihoods.
- Healthcare and Education: Addressing health issues and promoting literacy among women and their families.
The Working Women's Forum (WWF) is a social organization focused on empowering women in the informal sector, particularly those in low-income groups. It provides access to credit, training, and support, helping women become self-reliant and improve their economic and social status. WWF also addresses issues like health, education, and gender equality, fostering a supportive community for women's development.